1. What are the payment methods accepted by the store? The store accepts various payment methods.

2. How do I track my order? You will receive a tracking number once the order has been shipped.

3. What is the return/exchange policy? The store has a 30-day return/exchange policy for products in new and unused condition, with the original packaging and tags.

4. Can I change my order after it has been placed? Changes to an order can only be made if the order has not yet been created. Contact customer support to request changes.

5. What is the estimated delivery time? Delivery time varies depending on the location, but the store aims to deliver orders within 7-10 business days for apparel and 10-14 business days for custom items.

6. Is the store offering international shipping? Yes, the store offers international shipping to selected countries.

7. What are the care instructions for the t-shirts? The store recommends machine-washing the t-shirts in cold water and hang-drying them. Avoid ironing directly on the print.

8. How do I know which size to order for t-shirts? The store has a size chart available on the product page, and it is recommended to measure yourself and compare to the chart before placing an order.

9. Is the print on the t-shirts durable? The print is made with high-quality, durable ink and is expected to last through multiple washes.

10. How do I clean my tumbler? The tumbler can be hand-washed with soap and water, and it is not recommended to put it in the dishwasher or to soak.

11. Can I get a custom design on my tumbler or t-shirt? Yes, the store offers customization services for both tumblers and t-shirts, with a minimum order requirement. Contact customer support for more information.

12. Is there a warranty for the tumblers? The store offers a 6-month warranty for defects in materials and workmanship for the tumblers.

13. How is the shipping cost calculated? Shipping cost is calculated based on the weight of the products and the destination, and is displayed at checkout before placing the order.

14. What is the material used for the tumblers? The tumblers are made of double-walled, vacuum-insulated stainless steel.

15. Can I get a bulk discount for t-shirts and tumblers? Yes, the store offers bulk discounts for orders of 10 or more items. Contact customer support for a quote.